Non-destructive defect localization

Non-destructive failure analysis of complex microelectronic components

Whether new mobility, intelligent analysis production, or modern energy technology: reliable and robust electronics are the prerequisite for lasting success in the market in all these areas. The failure analysis of complex microelectronic components is of increasing importance for ensuring and improving reliability, quality, and production yield. Especially for complex and fully enclosed components, non-destructive testing methods are required to locate, for example, short circuits and interruptions in the internal circuits.

We provide extensive expertise in high-resolution non-destructive analytics with a wide range of contrast mechanisms

© Fraunhofer IMWS
Acoustic GHz microscopy: (left) delaminated wire bond pads with visible fibre structure;(right) voids in bond wires created by thermal stress.

Our customers benefit from customized adaptations of high-resolution non-destructive material and defect analysis for increased reliability and robustness of their electronic systems, as well as improved cost efficiency and accelerated time-to-market. Together with our customers, we develop individual test and analysis methods that are adapted to the respective customer-specific issues and support our partners in understanding influencing factors, interaction and degradation mechanisms and provide recommendations for remedial measures in the event of damage.

What you can expect: a holistic and customer-oriented approach to failure analysis

We support our partners:

  • with the development and application-specific design of focused acoustic probes
  • through the development of measurement technology and set-ups for acoustics and thermography
  • with the software implementation for the hardware
  • through the development of signal and data analysis methods including software

Your benefit: our comprehensive expertise in the fields of SAM, LIT and microscopic imaging of magnetic fields

Our customers benefit from our comprehensive expertise in scanning acoustic microscopy (SAM) and lock-in thermography (LIT), high-frequency acoustic measurement technology and microscopic magnetic field measurement techniques. Our focus is on the needs of our clients and their involvement in the analysis process.

Based on extensive knowledge in hardware, software and method development, our team develops and researches new methods of machine learning and signal and data analysis. We are aware of the current industrial challenges facing our customers, focus on their needs and always cooperate with them in the analysis process. 

Services offered


Development and application-specific design of focused acoustic probes


Development of metrology and set-ups for acoustics and thermography


Software implementation of the hardware


Deep learning assisted quantitative assessment of the porosity in Ag-sinter joints based on non-destructive acoustic inspection

Online expert session 2020/21 

with Sebastian Brand