
Our scientific excellence and close collaboration with partners on relevant industry topics are regularly recognized through awards at specialist conferences and from industry associations and research organizations. These honors motivate us to develop creative and competent solutions for the current and future challenges of our customers.

Science prizes

Year Award Award winner

Hugo Junkers Prize of the State of Saxony-Anhalt

First place in the “Applied Research” category for the discovery of the first new negatively expanding silicates in more than 50 years and the integration of these into novel glass-ceramics with low thermal expansion

Christian Thieme

TÜV SÜD Innovation Award

The Nanomaterials and Nanoanalytics Group was awarded the TÜV SÜD Innovation Award together with the company 3D-Micromac AG Chemnitz for the joint development of the laser preparation tool “microPREP”.

On the Fraunhofer IMWS side:

Richard Busch, Georg Schusser, Michael Krause, Thomas Höche


1st Poster Prize of the joint conference of DGG, Germany, ČSS, Czech Republic & SSS, Slovakia.

»Investigation of ultra-short pulse laser structured objects inscribed in silicate glasses«, gemeinsam mit Partnern des DFG-Projekts »Tomography of femtosecond laser structured objects inscribed in glass«

Michael Bergler, Kristian Cvecek, Christian Patzig, Thomas Höche, Michael Schmidt, Dominique de Ligny

Heinz Bethge Recognition Award

“Localized ion beam erosion of surfaces at initial edges”

Richard Busch