Address for navigation device: Walter-Hülse-Straße 1, 06120 Halle
GPS coordinates: 51.494601, 11.939006
From western direction:
Follow B80 in direction »Magdeburg/Klinikum Kröllwitz/Universität« (Weinbergweg) until crossing Gimritzer Damm/Blücherstraße, turn left onto Blücherstraße and follow the street until the end. Then turn right onto Walter-Hülse-Straße and follow the street approx. 350 m to the Fraunhofer-Institute on the right hand side of the street.
Other directions (Autobahn A9, A 14):
Leave the A9 at the exit Halle, the A14 at the exit Halle-Peißen, follow the signs to »Zentrum« and »Halle-Neustadt/Eisleben (Riebeckplatz)«, leave the street after crossing the bridge over the river Saale at the exit Gimritzer Damm and follow the signs to »Magdeburg/Klinikum Kröllwitz/Universität (Weinbergweg)« until crossing Gimritzer Damm/Blücherstraße, continue as from western direction.