The Fraunhofer Institute for Microstructure of Materials and Systems IMWS and the Fraunhofer Center for Silicon Photovoltaics CSP in Halle (Saale) are each represented in the list of the most innovative companies in Germany with the top rating of five stars. The ranking is based on assessments by almost 3,000 innovation and industry experts. It is compiled annually by the market research institute “Statista” and the business magazine “Capital”.

“I am very pleased that our institute has been included in this survey for the seventh time in a row and has even achieved the top rating of five stars in all the categories surveyed. The data shows that our research expertise is valued by our clients and also positively perceived by society as a whole,” says Prof. Dr. Erica Lilleodden, director of the Fraunhofer IMWS.
This year, a total of 515 companies were included in the list, divided into 20 sectors and industry areas, with 163 of them receiving the highest rating of five stars. The two research institutions in Hall (Saale) were assigned to the “Energy and Environment” section, where 32 companies made it into the list of the best, 8 of which received five stars in the overall evaluation. 2952 innovation experts were surveyed and asked to evaluate companies in their industries.
At the Fraunhofer IMWS, almost 300 employees are involved in the development, characterization and application of new materials. The focus here is on understanding the relationship between microstructure and the behavior of materials when used, and on developing optimized materials and efficient processes based on this. This results in important contributions to improving the reliability, property profiles and lifespan of materials, as well as valuable effects for improving resource efficiency. The solutions achieved at the Fraunhofer IMWS are used in electronics, plastics processing, medical engineering and in the energy sector. The institute works closely with industry to develop practical results and promote technology transfer. In this way, the Fraunhofer team also contributes to increasing the competitiveness of companies.
At the Fraunhofer CSP, a joint facility of the Fraunhofer IMWS and the Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE, research focuses on the reliability assessments of solar cells, modules and systems. The employees also offer excellent expertise in the chemical, electrical, optical and microstructural characterization of materials and components.