René Feder


Dr. René Feder, Senior Research Engineer, Team Leader Hybrid Systems, Deputy Group Leader “Microstructure of Optical Materials”

Main research areas


  • Defect and thin-film analysis of optical coatings using microstructure analysis methods (SEM-FIB, ToF-SIMS, TEM)
  • Interpretation of analytical results based on sound PVD knowledge for defect avoidance and process development
  • Experience with a wide variety of material systems, including ophthalmic lenses, micro-optics, laser mirrors, nanolaminates and EUV optics




since 2024

Senior Research Engineer (specialist career)

since 2021

Team Leader Hybrid Systems at the Fraunhofer Institute for Microstructure of Materials and Systems IMWS, Halle (Saale)

since 2020

Deputy Group Leader Microstructure of Optical Materials at the Fraunhofer IMWS

since 2017

Research associate at the Fraunhofer IMWS

2016 - 2017

Research fellowship of the German Research Foundation at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (USA)

2015 - 2016

Research assistant at the Institute for Energy Research and Physical Technologies at Clausthal University of Technology

2011 - 2015

Research assistant and doctoral student at the Leibniz Institute for Surface Modification e.V. Leipzig

PhD on the topic “Ion beam assisted layer deposition of Ag and Ge - Relationship between the properties of the ion beam, the layer forming particles and the deposited layers” at the University of Leipzig

2009 - 2011

Research assistant in the Nuclear Solid State Physics group at the University of Leipzig

2003 - 2009

Studied physics at the University of Leipzig




Selected articles in journals with scientific quality control (complete list at


Ufuk Kilic, Yousra Traouli, Matthew Hilfiker, Khalil Bryant, Stefan Schoeche, Rene Feder, Christos Argyropoulos, Eva Schubert, Mathias Schubert. Nanocolumnar metamaterial platforms: Scaling rules for structural parameters determined from optical anisotropy. Advanced Optical Materials 12 (2024) 2302767


Karl Kreuzer, Philipp Farr, Philipp Henning, Michael Vergöhl, Stefan Bruns, Thomas Melzig, Christian Patzig, René Feder. A-Si/SiO2 nanolaminates for tuning the complex refractive index and bandgap in optical interference coatings. Applied Optics, 63 (2024) 5939


Ufuk Kilic, Matthew Hilfiker, Alexander Ruder, Rene Feder, Eva Schubert, Mathias Schubert, Christos Argyropoulos. Broadband enhanced chirality with tunable response in hybrid plasmonic helical metamaterials. Advanced Functional Materials, 31 (2021) 2010329


Martin Engler, Frank Frost, Sven Müller, Sven Macko, Moritz Will, René Feder, Daniel Spemann, René Hübner, Stefan Facsko, Thomas Michely. Silicide-induced ion beam structuring of Si (001). Nanotechnology, 25 (2014) 115303


René Feder, Carsten Bundesmann, Horst Neumann, Bernd Rauschenbach. Ion beam sputtering of Ag - angular and energy distributions of sputtered and scattered particles. Nucl. Instr. Meth. B, 316 (2013) 198-204

Selected topics with the participation of René Feder