Andrea Friedmann


Dr.-Ing. Andrea Friedmann, research associate in group »Biofunctional Materials for Medical and Environmental Applications« Department »Biological and Macromolecular Materials«

Areas of research


  • Material development for medical applications, implant materials, cell-based material systems for regenerative medicine
  • Development of protein-based substrate materials for biological and medical applications (nonwovens, foams, gels)
  • Biocompatibility and antimicrobiological material properties: tissue engineering and microbiological investigations
  • Micromorphological investigations of biological samples using scanning electron microscopy and focused ion beam technology


Academic/professional resume


Since 2022

Group Manager »Biofunctional Materials for Medical and Environmental Applications«, Department »Biological and Macromolecular Materials«, Fraunhofer IMWS

2007 - 2022

research associate in group »Biofunctional Materials for Medical and Environmental Applications«, Department »Biological and Macromolecular Materials«, Fraunhofer IMWS

2010 - 2015

Doctorate (Dr.-Ing.) at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg; thesis topic: »Micromorphological investigations of human disc tissue using scanning electron microscopy to evaluate disc degeneration« in cooperation with Fraunhofer IMWS and BG Klinikum Bergmannstrost, Halle (Saale), Doctoral degree 2015

2007 - 2010

Research associate at the Translational Centre for Regenerative Medicine at the University of Leipzig in the field of Tissue Engineering and Materials Science (TEMAT)

2005 - 2007

Studies in Biomedical Engineering (M. Eng.) at the Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg and the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Köthen; Master thesis: »Investigations into co-cultivated cells on nanoporous surfaces« in cooperation with Fraunhofer IMWS, Masters degree 2007

2004 - 2005

Freelance engineer, Scientific Project Manager at the Institute for Applied Cell Culture, Dr. Toni Lindl, Munich

1999 - 2004

Studies in Biotechnology (Dipl. Ing (FH)) at the Anhalt University of Applied Sciences, Köthen; thesis topic: »Production, cultivation, and immobilization of human autologous hepatocytes from liver excision data for reimplantation as a "new liver" based on tissue engineering into the human body« in cooperation with the Institute for Applied Cell Culture, Dr. Toni Lindl, Munich, 2004




Percutaneous posterolateral approach for the simulation of a far-lateral disc herniation in an ovine model

Schwan, S., Ludtka, C., Wiesner, I., Baerthel, A., Friedmann, A., Goerthe, F. 

Eur Spine J 27, 222–230 (2018).


Risperidone-Loaded PLGA–Lipid Particles with Improved Release Kinetics: Manufacturing and Detailed Characterization by Electron Microscopy and Nano-CT

Janich, C., Friedmann, A., Martins de Souza e Silva, J., Santos de Oliveira, C., de Souza, S., Rujescu, D., Hildebrandt, C., Beck-Broichsitter, M., Schmelzer, C., Mäder, K.

Pharmaceutics 2019, 11(12), 665.


Long-Term Pathology of Ovine Lumbar Spine Degeneration Following Injury Via Percutaneous Minimally Invasive Partial Nucleotomy

Schwan, S., Ludtka, C., Friedmann, A., Heilmann, A., Baerthel, A., Brehm, W., Wiesner, I., Meisel, H.-J., Goehre, F.

Osteopaedic Research (2019).


Intervertebral Disc Regeneration Injection of a Cell-Loaded Collagen Hydrogel in a Sheep Model

Friedmann, A., Baertel, A., Schmitt, C., Ludtka, C., Milosevic, J., Meisel, H.-J., Goehre, F., Schwan, S.

nt. J. Mol. Sci. 2021, 22(8), 4248.


Long-term pre-clinical evaluation of an injectable chitosan nanocellulose hydrogel with encapsulated adipose-derived stem cells in an ovine model for IVD regeneration

Schmitt, C., Radetzki, F., Stirnweiss, A., Mendel, T., Ludtka, C., Friedmann, A., Baerthel, A., Brehm, W., Milosevic, J., Meisel, H., Goehre, F., Schwan, S. 

Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (2021).


Calcium microcrystal formation in recurrent herniation patients after autologous disc cell transplantation

Schwan, S.; Ludtka, C.; Friedmann, A.; Mendel, T.; Meisel, H.-J.; Heilmann, A.; Kaden, I.; Goehre, F.
Tissue Engineering and Regenerative Medicine (2017), 14, 8, 803-814


Morphological characterization of the self-assembly of virus movement proteins into nanotubes in the absence of virus particles

Schwan, S.; Ludtka, C.; Friedmann, A.; Cismak, A.; Berthold, L.; Goehre, F.; Kiesow, A.; Heilmann, A.
Advanced Biosystems, 2017, doi: 10.1002/adbi.201700113


Micro-compute tomography, scanning electron microscopy ans energy X-ray spectroscopy studies of facet joint degeneration: A comparison to clinical imaging

Goehre, F.; Ludtka, C.; Hamperl, M.; Friedmann A.; Straube, A.; Mendel, T.; Heilmann, A.; Meisel, H.-J.; Schwan, S.
Micron 100: 50-59, 2017


Micro-CT evaluation of asymmetrical ovine intervertebral disc height loss from surgical approach

Ludkta, C.; Schwan, S.; Friedmann, A.; Brehm, W.; Wiesner, I.; Goehre, F.
European Spine Journal 26 (8): 2031-2037, 2017


Microstructure analysis method for evaluating degenerated intervertebral disc tissue

Friedmann, A.; Goehre, F.; Ludka, C.; Mendel, T.; Meisel, H.-J.; Heilmann, A.; Schwan, S.
Micron 92: 51-62, 2017


FIB preparation and SEM investigations for three-dimensional analysis of cell cultures on microneedle arrays

Friedmann, A.; Cismak, A.; Tautorat, C.; Koester, P. J.; Baumann, W.; Held, J.; Gaspar, J.; Ruther, P.; Paul, O.; Heilmann, A.
Scanning 34(4):221–229, 2012


Self-supporting nanoporous alumina membranes as substrates for hepatic cell cultures

Hoess, A.; Thormann, A.; Friedmann, A.; Heilmann, A.
Journal of Biomedical Materials Research 100A(9):2230–2238, 2012


Investigation of cell-substrate interactions by Focused Ion Beam (FIB) preparation and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM)

Friedmann, A.; Hoess, A.; Cismak, A.; Heilmann, A.
Acta Biomaterialia 7:2499–2507, 2011


Co-cultures of primary cells on self-supporting nanoporous alumina membranes

Hoess, A.; Thormann, A.; Friedmann, A.; Aurich, H.; Heilmann, A.
Advanced Engineering Materials, 12(7):269–275, 2010


Selected topics with the participation of Andrea Friedmann