Fraunhofer IMWS presented itself together with the hydrogen project HYPOS at the ‘Hydrogen + Fuel Cells + Batteries’ expert platform as part of Hannover Messe from April 24 to 28. The joint stand with Fraunhofer IMWS was a popular port of call for trade visitors.

»A major topic in the field of renewable energy sources is currently sector coupling. Behind this is the knowledge that the energy transition cannot succeed in the electricity field alone. To establish a link with the heat supply, gas, and mobility sectors, hydrogen from renewable sources can play an important role as a form of energy that can be used and stored flexibly,« explains Dr. Kathrin Goldammer, Managing Director of the Reiner Lemoine Institute (RLI) in Berlin and co-opted board member of Hydrogen Power Storage & Solutions East Germany e.V. (HYPOS). Interest in the HYPOS project was also said to be correspondingly great at Hannover Messe. »We are very satisfied with our attendance, which allowed us to present ourselves with exciting topics to a Europe-wide expert audience,« continued the RLI Managing Director.
The focus of the joint appearance by HYPOS e.V. and the Fraunhofer Institute for Microstructure of Materials and Systems IMWS lay on hydrogen production, storage, and transport, fuel cell systems and their applications, and energy storage. Thomas Wünsch, State Secretary in the Ministry of Economy, Science, and Digitalization in Saxony-Anhalt, provided information on site about current projects such as the planned Hydrogen Lab Leuna (HLL). The joint undertaking by Fraunhofer IMWS and Fraunhofer CBP aims to test hydrogen electrolysis on an industrial scale alongside industrial partners from 2019 and make it marketable for the chemicals industry through supportive research and development work.