Investigation of the lightweight potential of hierarchically structured sandwich materials

© Fraunhofer IMWS
Setup of the 3-point bending test in the servo-hydraulic testing machine.

The aim of the HPHex project was to investigate the lightweight construction potential of new hierarchically structured sandwich materials that can be produced cost-effectively in highly automated manufacturing processes. The Fraunhofer IMWS sub-project TP2 analysed deformation and failure processes of these materials in comparison to classic sandwich types. New calculation tools and analysis methods were developed to investigate the complex mechanical behaviour of the hierarchical sandwich structures.

The results of the project include fundamental findings on the mesomechanics and failure behaviour of the hierarchical sandwich materials. Numerical studies were carried out to investigate the behaviour of variable design parameters. Based on the findings from the numerical analyses, promising sandwich configurations with hierarchical structure were defined, built, mechanically tested and analysed. It was shown that a hierarchical sandwich structure is technically feasible and can achieve improved weight-related mechanical properties compared to the classical sandwich structure.

The project was carried out in close collaboration with the project partner ThermHex Waben GmbH and in cooperation with EconCore and the University KU Leuven. The developed calculation tools and experimental methods can be transferred to other material combinations but require adaptations to specific use cases.

In summary, the HPHex project has provided important insights and tools for the investigation of hierarchical sandwich materials that take into account lightweight design potential and manufacturing costs. Promising configurations that can improve the mechanical behaviour have been identified and analysed. These results will also be used in future projects, including the development of sandwich components for aircraft.

CT image of a hierarchically structured honeycomb sandwich

Insitu CT compression test on honeycomb sandwich with digital volume correlation (DVC analysis)